The bus we took from Guatemala City to Sololá (Soul-oh-lah), where Eagle’s Nest Orphanage is. We each had 2-3 pieces of luggage with us, piling it both on the top and inside of the bus.
This is the view outside of the “Salon” where we eat our meals each day. Not only is the food good, but the view is even better. The stand alone mountains are volcanoes and one of them is active! This lake is surrounded by a lot of activity, but we're secluded up on the (non-volcano) mountaintop.
Julie Waterhouse, Lisa Fenchel, and Eliza McClenagen start sorting the suitcases of clothes that everyone brought down. We spent almost all afternoon on Monday going through our many bags sorting supplies, donations and the few personal items we could squeeze in! The supplies are mostly for the science, team building, art, toddler, and Bible activities we will be conducting daily at the orphanage. The clothes will be donated to the local UCG Guatemalan congregation on the Sunday that we spend with them enjoying a picnic.
The United Youth Corps 2016-2017 group on our first day in Guatemala! We took a nice (and long) walk down a park, seeing lots of monuments, vendors and picnics covering the landscape. For our first evening in Guatemala it was a lot to take in and gave us a sneak peek on what the next two weeks of our lives would be like.
Pictured from left to right: Kendall Hermann, Alan Waterhouse, Julie Waterhouse, Julia Scott, Keith Lippincott, Inobel Perez Bonilla, David Perez, Jonathan Magee, Garrett Fenchel
Not Pictured: Lisa Fenchel, Eliza McClenagen, Stephanie Rorem, Werner Solórzano Lemus and Angel Davila.